Meet Our Rabbi

Meet our Rabbi, Scott Hoffman. Shaare Torah is proud to welcome Rabbi Scott to our community to serve as our Interim Rabbi, bringing a broad range of experience and comfort in the many rabbinic roles he plays in his leading of our sacred community.

Rabbi Scott Hoffman was born and raised in Silver Spring, Maryland. He grew up in Shaare Tefila Congregation, where his passion for Judaism was nurtured by many people, most notably Rabbi Martin Halpern z”l and Cantor Gershon Levin, z”l.

Rabbi Hoffman earned a BA in the Biological Basis of Behavior at the University of Pennsylvania in 1985, an MHL and ordination from Jewish Theological Seminary in 1991 (where he was the recipient of the Hackenburg Prize as outstanding student in the field of midrash) and more recently a Ph.D. in Talmud and Rabbinics from New York University. His primary academic interest is the analysis of Biblical and rabbinic texts, often in ways that are “outside the box.”

If you’d like to get in touch with Rabbi Scott, please reach out to him at or contact Devin in the main office.