
tree moon rabin

Hineni! I am Here.

Posted on January 13, 2023

This week in the Torah, in Parashat Shemot, we learn about God’s revelation to Moses at the burning bush. Moses is in Midian, looking after the sheep of his father-in-law. Something Continue Reading »

Rabbi Annie Lewis

Healing in the Family & A Prayer for Our Country

Posted on January 6, 2023

Tomorrow’s Torah reading marks the end of the era of our founding patriarchs and matriarchs. The opening verses announce Jacob’s death, yet the Parshah is known by the first word Vayechi, meaning, “and he Continue Reading »

Hanukkah menorah event

Let it Glow: Sharing our Light with the World

Posted on December 16, 2022

On Tuesday afternoon, aromas of sizzling cauliflower pancakes and lemon olive oil cookies filled the halls of Shaare Torah. As our Jewish Culture Club gathered for a cooking demo, my Continue Reading »

lighting a menorah

Be a Lamplighter!

Posted on December 13, 2022

Rabbi Annie delivers remarks at the Kentlands Menorah and Tree Lighting. Many thanks to our Gaithersburg City and Kentlands community partners for organizing this amazing event on December 7th, 2022. Continue Reading »

Rabbi Annie Lewis

Seeing Your Face is like Seeing the Face of God

Posted on December 9, 2022

In the Mishnah in Tractate Sanhedrin, our rabbis teach that each human being is an entire world. Each human being is an entire world unto themselves AND all human beings share a Continue Reading »

Rabbis Annie Lewis Yosef Goldman

L’Dor Va’Dor – Generation to Generation

Posted on December 9, 2022

Our parsha, Chayei Sarah, opens with the death of our matriarch, Sarah, and tells the story of Abraham’s commitment to keep the generations of his family connected. Abraham secures a Continue Reading »

Rabbi Annie Lewis

Jacob in Flight & at Rest

Posted on December 2, 2022

In our parsha, Vayetzei, Jacob sets out from Beer Sheva to Haran. As the sun goes down, he pauses his travels for the night. He lays his head against a stone and Continue Reading »

Prayers for Our Veterans

Posted on November 11, 2022

Prayer for Veterans Day by Aliza Berger Ribono shel olam (Master of the Universe), We who have dedicated our lives to protecting this great country, who have used our strength and Continue Reading »

Rabbis Annie Lewis Yosef Goldman

Responding to Recent Incidents of Antisemitic Rhetoric

Posted on November 4, 2022

The past few weeks have also seen the unsettling incidents of figures in popular culture recklessly using their massive platforms to lift up reckless antisemitic ideas. We were encouraged by reflections Continue Reading »

tree moon rabin

Remembering Yitzchak Rabin in the Wake of Israel’s Elections

Posted on November 4, 2022

Our hearts are in Israel today, as we remember the late Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin. We hope you will join our Shaliach, Abraham Belilty, for a program Sunday evening in Continue Reading »