One of the core values of our Shaare Torah community is that our Rabbis and loving community are present for all Shaare Torah members during times of great joy (e.g., birth), sadness (e.g. the loss of a loved one), transition (e.g., divorce), and healing (e.g., illness or injury). We’d like your help in living these values.
Our community members show up for each other in an organized way through the work of our Chesed and Bereavement groups – providing meals and check-in calls, in parallel to the rabbis. Chesed and Bereavement continue to be very active, and we are grateful for their contributions. We are also considering some adjustments in how we reach out to congregants in these times, to be as supportive as possible while also creating opportunities for other members to connect as part of this group. That’s where YOU come in!
Please consider joining our chesed strategic planning team. The commitment is two 1-hour meetings with a clear agenda to discuss specific issues with up to 1-hour of research in between these meetings. It’s a great opportunity to connect, do good, and get involved! To sign up, please email Abby Israel at aisrael@shaaretorah.org and Emily Radel at RadelEmily@gmail.com with the subject “Shaare Torah Chesed Planning.”
Also, we will be looking for volunteers for Shaare Torah’s chesed for roles (e.g., callers, cooks, food drivers, etc.). More information on these roles to come. However, if you are interested, please email Abby and Emily with the subject “Shaare Torah Chesed Volunteer.”
It is sure to be a LOT of fun, and we are SO excited to connect with you while supporting our community!