A Word from Our Rabbis

Our Sages Speak – Rabbinic Reflections on the Torah Portion

Posted on August 5, 2024

Parshat Matot-Masei If you’re an NFL kicker, how do you simulate the pressure of walking out for a game-winning field goal? There is a strategy for this. The special teams unit lines Continue Reading »

Our Sages Speak – Rabbinic Reflections on the Torah Portion

Posted on July 26, 2024

Parshat Pinchas The show Mary Tyler Moore was a groundbreaking program. The challenge Mary Richards – Mary Tyler Moore’s character – faced was that of being a single woman working Continue Reading »

Pesach 5784 Graphic

In Every Generation

Posted on April 22, 2024

As we approach Pesach this year, we are thinking of a phrase that appears twice in the Passover Haggadah: Bekhol Dor VaDor- In every generation. We read in the “Ve’hi She’amdah” section of Continue Reading »

Mount Sinai 2 by Shully Ratzon

See You at Sinai

Posted on February 2, 2024

This Shabbat, we stand again at Mount Sinai awaiting revelation. I find hope in the notion that we return year after year to the same words of Torah to unearth Continue Reading »

How Do We Sing In Dark Times?

Posted on January 26, 2024

From Rabbi Yosef: How do we sing in dark times? This is a question that we Jews have been asking since we first became a people. We turn to song in Continue Reading »

100 Days and Counting

Posted on January 23, 2024

  This past week, we marked 100 days since October 7th. Our hearts ache with those who were taken captive in Gaza and with their families. Yesterday was the first Continue Reading »

Shabbat Table

The Empty Shabbat Table

Posted on January 5, 2024

This Shabbat, we will read the formation story of Moshe on his path to becoming the leader of Israel who would liberate a nation from servitude. In chapter 3 of Continue Reading »



Posted on December 18, 2023

HOUSEWARMING In honor of the last day of Chanukah, we are happy to announce Shaare Torah’s Hanukkat HaBayit Mezuzah Initiative. Later this winter, Shaare Torah will be offering mezuzot with the Continue Reading »

RYG Halelu melody thumbnail

The Dreidelverse

Posted on December 11, 2023

The Dreidelverse “For in truth, the entire universe is a spinning top, which is called a dreidel. Everything moves in a circle: angels change into men and men into angels; Continue Reading »


Hope & Hibernation

Posted on December 5, 2023

Hope & Hibernation As we go deeper into the month of Kislev and December arrives, it is the perfect season to enhance our lighting at Shaare Torah. Crews have been Continue Reading »